Car Accident and Injury Recovery – Loveland, Fort Collins
Car accidents are one of the most traumatic experiences most people witness in their lives. The abrupt and unexpected trauma is a jolt to the system. Shocking trauma like car accidents can result in a numbing effect, a state of self-preservation, during which injured accident victims may feel “fine,” but not comprehend the extent of their injuries.
Remember the Superhero Effect, the “fight or flight” response during times of stress? After a jarring accident, those involved also often experience temporary numbing effects. That feeling of well-being is due to the release of hormones adrenaline and endorphins – an emergency response by the body that energizes and protects the body during times of stress. Some of the results of these hormones may include:
- Reduced pain
- Increased energy and strength
- Increased flow of oxygen, caused by dilated blood vessels and airways
- Sharpened vision and hearing
As a result, car accident victims often insist that all is well – declining medical evaluation and treatment. First of all, don’t do this. If you have faced a traumatic event, it will be a while before your body returns to normal, and until you really feel the pain of injury. The adrenaline effect is sudden and instinctive, but it doesn’t leave as quickly as it appears.
In addition to obvious injuries sustained during an auto accident, the spine and internal organs may also have suffered trauma. Spinal disc and nerve damage that can degrade over time, making prompt treatment essential to long-term quality of life.
It doesn’t matter if the accident was a fender bender or severe, the brain and body can suffer injuries that appear even weeks after the incident.
Call our office for Car Accident Intake Paperwork
Don’t wait for the pain to start. Not only can waiting make things worse for you, but it can also become increasing more difficult to prove the cause of your injuries, including documenting a history of pain for insurance purposes!
Often Undiscovered Injuries
Even if car accident victims don’t suffer apparent injury, they often sustain microscopic tissue injuries that are just as important. Regardless of the severity of the accident, whether you’re in a little bit, or a lot, of pain, you should schedule an appointment for evaluation as soon as possible.
We Can Help!
Chiropractic evaluations are detailed, and we also have the training needed to know when additional medical evaluation may be wise. Our goal is to help you to find the best possible treatment, or combination of treatments, for any injury.
Common symptoms following a car accident:
- headaches (from whiplash)
- neck pain (from whiplash)
- shoulder pain (from the seat belt)
- low back pain
- foot pain (from your foot being on the pedal)
- nausea, dizziness, balance issues (from possible concussion)
- and many more…
After an automobile accident, we encourage you to seek medical evaluation immediately.
“Honestly if I knew that getting in a car accident would have brought me to this clinic, I would have gotten in a car accident a long time ago. After sending my wife to you, we are so happy you’ve been able to help us both.” – Patient A.R.
You can start your treatment as early as the first visit. We will refer you out for imaging (X-ray or MRI) as needed, and refer you to traditional medical treatments if indicated by our diagnostics. If you have already sought medical care, we request you bring those with you to your first visit to coordinate your treatments.
Never take car accidents lightly. If you feel or notice any unusual pain or your pain has not been resolved during your medical visit, get in touch with us to discuss your concerns.
Call your Family friendly Chiropractor in Loveland, CO now to schedule your initial car accident evaluation (970) 412-3212, Book your visit online through our Patient Portal, or Contact us through our form, and we’ll have you feeling like your old self again, and perhaps, even better!