Chiropractic & Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) – Loveland, Fort Collins
As a complementary or stand-alone treatment, The Laser & Chiropractic Center of the Rockies may recommend Cold Laser Therapy (Low-Level Laser Therapy/LLLT) to assist in pain relief and promote healing. LLLT therapy accelerates the body’s natural healing processes, and is pain free, and non-invasive. By stimulating biological functions related to your condition or injury, LLLT triggers highly-targeted healing at the cellular-level.
Cold Laser Therapy is used in the Chiropractic setting to increase blood flow and dampen pain and inflammation of the tissues and muscles. LLLT may be performed independently, or combined with Chiropractic treatment.
Inflammation caused by damage, injury, and joint or tissue conditions such as arthritis and tendonitis, may also benefit by Cold Laser Therapy treatments.
An Effective, Safe, FDA Approved Therapy

The FDA has approved Cold Laser Therapy for a multitude of painful conditions such as chronic low back pain, plantar fasciitis, neck and shoulder pain among others. Treatments are highly-focused.
Unlike medicated pain management treatments, LLLT only affects the target area, promotes healing, and causes no side-effects on the other areas of the body.
Drug-Based Pain Relief: Side Effects That Can Compound the Problem
Non-specific low back pain (LBP) affects people of all ages and is a leading cause of disability.…
The long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are associated with gastrointestinal, renal, and cardiovascular toxicity, which is especially worrisome among the elderly. Opioids are less efficacious than other medications while increasing potential patient harm and long-term opioid use does not improve the quality of life of patients with chronic low back pain (LBP).
One study showed that opioids and opioids combined with NSAIDs are not more effective than NSAIDs alone, and patients using opioids and NSAIDs reported greater back-related disability and poorer quality of life than patients using no drug therapy.*
How Does LLLT Work?
A Cold Laser is not actually “cold” it just doesn’t produce “heat.” Hot lasers, such as surgical lasers are used to heat tissue in order to burn or cut. Cold Laser Therapy doesn’t work by heating up the tissue, it works by a photochemical process. To understand this, remember back to grade school when you learned about “photosynthesis.” Plants use sunlight to synthesize foods. Cold Lasers use laser light to stimulate biological processes in the body when applied at the right amount of energy and right wavelength (or color). LLLT is painless and requires no preparation. By increasing blood flow and oxygen to the cells, cold laser light promotes the injured or painful tissue to heal, alleviating pain from inflammation, and often effectively can replace pain management drug therapies. Cold Laser Therapy (LLLT) can be used on wee-ones as well as older people. The FDA has provided clearance of Cold Laser Therapy as a safe, effective treatment that is free of harmful side-effects.

The Laser & Chiropractic Center of The Rockies provides (Certified) low-level light therapy to our clients, utilizing the highest level of trusted and proven equipment and techniques. While Cold Laser Therapy is a great addition to the Chiropractic work we do, it is also used as a stand-alone treatment for those conditions that don’t require Chiropractic intervention. We look forward to showing you how Cold Laser Therapy can assist you toward a pain-free and productive lifestyle!
*Low-Level Laser Therapy for Treating Low Back Pain: 12-Month Follow-Up
Trevor S. Berry1, Paul J Quarneri2, Gregory Roche3 and Travis M Sammons4